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ASWU is the voice of the students! Whenever a concern or problem may occur, students share that information with us. We then contact and connect with the administrator in charge of that specific area to come up with a solution. This process takes time and ASWU makes sure that the result is what the students of Woodbury need. We also promote on and off campus events as well as allocate money to student organizations to promote student life on campus. We meet with the President of Woodbury, Dr. Steele, numerous times a semester. We also help sponsor many student projects or ideas presented to us. ASWU is for the Students, by the Students!
Meetings are very important to us, they help keep us up updated with our various projects and we vote on many important agenda items. They also allow us to hear students and share the progress of our work. We have each organization on campus send a representative that submits weekly reports to keep our calendar of events updated. The entire ASWU assembly is present which includes all Vice Presidents, Senators and Interns.
Assembly Meetings are held Mondays from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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